India’s Border Management

Syllabus: GS 3/Internal Security 

  • A huge cache of military grade arms, ammunition and other war-like stores were seized by Assam Rifles in Mon district of Nagaland, close to the Myanmar border.


  • India’s Extensive Borders: With a land boundary of 15,200 km and a coastline of 7,516.6 km, India has a significant area to secure.
  • Diverse Border Regions: The borders encompass various geographical terrains, including plains, hills, mountains, deserts, rivers, and marshes. This diversity makes comprehensive management strategies necessary.
  • Bordering Countries: India shares land borders with Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. It also has maritime borders with Sri Lanka and Maldives. Political relations with some neighbors can influence border security.


  • Diverse landscape: plains, hills, mountains, deserts, rivers, marshes
  • Incompletely demarcated land borders
  • Under-resourced and ill-equipped border guarding forces
  • Weak intelligence gathering and sharing mechanisms
  • Political and economic instability in neighboring countries
  • Border disputes
  • Uncontrolled cross-border movement: infiltration, migration, smuggling, crime, human trafficking
  • Drug and arms trafficking in the Northeast
  • Vulnerable coastlines: smuggling, illegal activities

Government Initiatives

  • Border infrastructure development: fences, roads, floodlights, Border Out Posts (BOPs)
  • Professionalizing border guarding forces (BSF, ITBP, SSB, AR, Coast Guard)
  • Border Infrastructure and Management (BIM) Scheme
  • Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS) for India-Pakistan and Bangladesh borders
  • Proposed fence along the entire Indo-Myanmar border

Suggestions for Improvement

  • Balance security with economic development and regional integration (SAARC, BIMSTEC, BBIN)
  • People-centric approach: involve border communities in security efforts
  • Good cooperation with neighboring countries
  • Utilize modern technologies: space, IT, infrastructure development
  • Strengthen coastal police and address island territory issues
  • Enhance resources, training, and aptitude of border guarding forces
  • Close coordination between central and state agencies
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